Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Butterfly Effect..

What-Ifs hav always fascinated me...most of my fruitless time is well wasted pondering the alternates to events that hav occured in my life..those countless hours spent analyzin the events tat had..worked in tandem wit my unrelentin ability to procrastinate..thus shapin the events tat were gonna..quite often unfavorably..thus creatin a catch-22.... this blog is a humble tribute to those mindless ponderings...
i m pretty sure this will sound as boring as it sounds to me in this blog-compose window..but hey,wat the heck...isnt it a wondorous thing to dream...i could perhaps label these wat-ifs of mine as channelized dreams...coz often dreams are totally unexpected...however,in this case..u know wat the dream wants to be..its usually the opposite of wat it really turned out into....and more often tat not,,it somehow inexplicably ends up being near to the inital outcome...lemme elucidate..nah,who m i kiddin..if it makes some sense to u..enlighten me...
i hav noticed this in my real dreams....those dreams always end in a spot tat directly fits into my reality..its like its all being tied up...i m rite thr..if for instance,i was havin a dream whr the hot brunette at the coffee place was lickin my ears..i wake up to find tat someone had let the cat in...and it had decided tat my wax build-up was better than yesterday's left-over milk...but in all fairness,it was not a brunette..u c wat i m tryin to get at...stay wit me..i swear,i am not borin than ur HOD or Advisor..:D
..i dunno how it works out tat way...but the analogy i m unsuccessfully tryin to put thru is matter how much i dream or ponder over past events..its gonna end in a situation pretty close to whr i m rite now..i guess it can be called the human equivalent of a Process Flow matter wat steps i take,,,jus get from Point A to Point B....

did tat make some sense..i m not sure..but it sure helped me a little..its like lettin off some steam...i think i think a lot...atleast tats wat i think....
..neway,i hope this blog does the same to u...i wont be providin u an update of the day tat was..its not a cinema/news/sports/tech/weather/sex/job/e-shoppin/astrology/matrimony/watever u can fill in here/ page...thrz always Google for tat..ur time is always spent better wasted here...hav a gud one..


Blogger Preethy said...

[quote]..its gonna end in a situation pretty close to whr i m rite now [end quote]

....and your analogy was between the cat and that brunette....


Sorry abt posting a comment on an old blog, de-bug.......but am taking my time reading 'em all :)

6/11/2006 3:03 PM  

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